
Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Semalam, sampai di KK pukul 11 malam. Flight ada delay sikit. Bukan pasal previous flight lambat sampai. Tapi sebab ramai sangat bawak hand luggage sampai ambik masa nak susun kat dalam kabin sampai lepas tu tak muat-muat sampai hand luggage dah jadi foot luggage. Ok. Surya. Stop it.

Convo was a great thing despite of '4 years of study but only 5 sec on stage'. To gossip with friends is a most awaiting moment. Haih. Wish that we could go back the time we can gossiping in front of tv with nasi lemak jati. Well, a convo entry will be posted later *miss you guys, already*.

Petang tadi, saya dapat call. Alhamdulillah. Souvenir things have already arrived safely at home. So after this, I have to find things that should be put inside the thing. Hehe. Would be some food i guess. An egg or candies. Don't know yet. Will discuss with parents first.

Oh. I give my hantaran items to Alin and her mum to do the finishing. Let the expert do their job. Hehe. At first, I determine to do the hantaran by myself. Preparing the petals was done with helps of friends and family * Ckin, ingat lagi kita jerit-jerit pagi-pagi buat bunga?* Then, to cantum all the petals and flowers to bunga dulang, I have to ask for Alin's mum help because of time and skill constraint. Sedih jugak as I want it done by me, myself. Tapi, bila pulak nak buat kalau dah orang kat KK, kahwin kat Selangor. Pastu nak travel bawak hantaran naik flight. Sampai KL dah jadi hunter-run agaknya. HAHA.

Few things lagi nak dibeli untuk cukupkan hantaran. Foods and foods and foods. HAHA. Itu jelah yang nak di bagi. Yang lain tu tak ape lah. Kita hanya merancang.

Cards for classmates were already given on the day of convo. Heh. Malu sebenarnya nak kasik. Apasal tah malu. Gile ke ape. HAHA.

4 Words from you:

ckin said...

mestilah aku ingat time kite jerit2 mase buat bunga hantaran ko tuh...rase2 org dkt tingkt 1 pun bole dngar suare kite nie kan...wahaha, siyes rindu gile kat zaman2 kite tergolek tgok tv smbil makan nasi lemak jati...T_T

SuryaRahman said...

weh. aku macam nak buat sekali lagi sebelum aku kawin ah. zaman kite suka ati je gelak macam setan kat umah tu.

rindu siot.

Unknown said...

surya, nih aku nak kasik tau ni. bunge ko kan, mak aku dah mintak pendapat advisor nye iaitu mak ude aku yg mmg lebih arif drpd kitorg sume. mak ude aku kate kurang naik kalernye sebab cam sekaler jek kan sume, pastu dier nak gune reben2 kat umah dier kaler putih ke cream2 camtu, men tambah2 sikit sesuke ati dier. sejujurnye aku pun tak tau la camne rupenye. mak ude aku suh tanye ko, takpe ke kalo dier nak alter sket2?

SuryaRahman said...

takpe. aku tak kisah. asal jadik hantaran sudah.

kau cakap ngan mak kau, kalau ade pape barang tak cukup ke yang mak kau beli kan dulu ke, bgtau je. nanti aku bayar. ari tu aku nak bgtau tp terlupe.